Menu Management



project scale

  • An internal menu management tool that can be used over 300+ Google cafes

  • The tool supplies the data for Googlers' Eat app

  • A replacement for both Sheets and existing apps

my role

UX Design Lead

skills applied

  • UX design

  • Google Material

  • Accessibility

  • CSS

how did I contributed?

  • Acted as a leader in communicating conceptual ideas and design rationale, all within a user-centered design process.

  • Facilitated Design Sprints and bring the team together to solve the identified design challenges and validate user journeys.

  • Partnered with UX Researchers to define and deliver new features and test new concepts. Created visual mockups and prototypes to effectively communicate interaction and design ideas.

  • Served as a SME in developing inclusion based enterprise applications so that ALL users can achieve their goals regardless of abilities or limitations.

challenge statement

How might we create a tool to maintain data integrity, improve efficiency and drive creativity of meal planning experiences for Chefs, Cafe Managers, Nutritionists and Cafe Administrators?

The process

Design Sprint

Facilitated Design Sprint and gathered ideas and feedback

participated research

Shadowed further research to validate Design Sprint concept iterations

persona profiles

Completed persona profiles and captured user journeys

logic mapping

Created interaction flow map


Generated wireframes based on interaction flow


Observed user acceptance testing


Helped QA and optimized keyboard navigation


Completed application integration

Design comparison

The results


  • Improve data quality (e.g. allergens, dietary compatibility)

  • $15 million vendor labor savings over 5 years

  • Closed-loops feedback drives virtuous cycles of improvement


Make modular design to accommodate localization and special use cases

Push for UI localization and explore more ways to help Chefs capture their ideas