Campus Maps



project scale

  • Internal web app and Android app that served 600+ Google offices for wayfinding and information exploration

  • 30K+ app downloads

  • Launched as part of Apps for Googlers Suite - 6 essential mobile apps for Googlers daily lives

my role

UX Design Lead, Accessibility SME

skills applied

  • UX design

  • Graphic design

  • Google Material

  • Accessibility

  • CSS

  • XML

how did I contributed?

  • Partnered with UX Researchers to conduct a series of Wayfinding Research to understand how Googlers physically navigate through indoor / outdoor environments.

  • As the Lead UX Designer, I created and integrated new features from Google Maps to help Googlers find rooms, other Googlers, and resources (such as cafes, printers, and gyms) in relation to their real-time locations. In addition, I introduced the room booking feature which allows Googlers to reserve nearby available rooms on the go.

  • To ensure Campus Maps can be used by the visually impaired users, I worked closely with the Accessibility Community to implement TalkBack descriptions and logics. This work has brought accessibility awareness to the GEO Team and received the recognition as the first internal app that passed WCAG 2.0 AA standards.

challenge statement

How might we provide centralized map data source and help Googlers navigate on campus on the go?

The process

participated in foundational research

UX Researchers and I conducted a series of Wayfinding Research. The goal was to understand how Googlers physically navigate through indoor/outdoor environments, and provide a view into how current navigational tools and systems are used.

prioritized user journey and CUJs

Based on the analysis of research results, I helped Campus Project Manager lay out high level user journeys as our minimum viable product (MVP) guidelines. All the team members commented and helped prioritize features in the backlog.


Created interaction flow starting from critical uer journeys (CUJs)

cognitive walkthrough

UX Researcher and I recruited 10 UXers in different offices to conduct cognitive walkthrough.

We assigned several tasks to participants, including finding a meeting room, finding a cafe, finding a Googler, learning about a building, etc. to understand the app’s learnability for new users.

accessible design

To ensure Campus app is functional to all users regardless of abilities or limitations, I did several user interviews and usability studies. This results multiple iterations of color contrast adjustments, touch area validation, TalkBack announcement optimization, and components reimplementation to enhance the accessibility.

The app has been fully tested by many Googlers with disabilities. Throughout the process, I’ve learned a special need / request can also benefit a larger user group. Some examples include immersive technology, voice input and voice assistants.

Brought everything together

collaborated with other Apps for Googler teams to create cohesive user experience

helped QA

created product website to provide user support and capture feedback

The results


  • Campus Maps exceeded 22,300 downloads within 6 months

  • First Google internal app that passed WCAG 2.0 AA standards

user feedback

  • Many times already I’ve pulled out my phone in an unknown building and found my way to the correct room. I think you really nailed the experience!

  • WOOHOOHOO! Just updated the app and it is SWEET as a summer day!

  • I just want to say wow! I walked into an office I’ve never been to before and was able to book a room nearby in two minutes, right before a call I had to take. Incredibly delightful experience and so quick and well integrated with my calendar. Amazing job!!


Smart direction that demonstrates a shortest path, utilizing elevators, stairs, and transportation services that could help Googlers be more efficient

Get location and calendar aware options and notifications to help Googlers navigate