Image Capture



project scale

  • 6M global users

  • 100+ local influencers

  • 80K+ community members

  • Users spread across 190+ countries around the world

  • 330K+ weekly active users

  • 1M+ answers from users around the world everyday

my role

UX Designer, UX Researcher, Accessibility SME

skills applied

  • UX design

  • UX research

  • Graphic design

  • Google Material

  • Accessibility

  • Brand guidelines

  • Prototype

challenge statement

How might we simplify the interaction flow and provide friction free experience?

The process

problem space

Image Capture was an existing feature made for Crowdsource by Google users to label and donate their photos to improve Google machine learning models. However, the participation rate was far from ideal.

Existing flow

Primary usability issues

poor onboarding

"Help me understand before I commit"

unexpected behavior

"I close the camera every time it opens"

unclear UI

"I can not upload the photos from the gallery. It goes directly to the camera without giving me another option"

unexpected behavior

"I tap on the categories but nothing happens"

" ... " user quotes

design idea 1

Labeling tips

design idea 2

Smart filtering

cognitive walkthrough

Conducted 2 rounds (12 participants) of cognitive walkthrough testing to understand user feedback

study findings

  • Users expected to see examples upfront

  • Users didn't pay attention to the filter drawer


  • Discussed feasibility with engineers in other country

  • Based on key findings from the studies, iterated the design and made click through prototype

New flow

The results


Helped Google generate 34K user donated images in one month and 1.5M images in one quarter

user benefits

  • Cut returned user flow from 4 steps to 1 step

  • Proper onboarding and meet user expectations


Optimizing the flow more thoroughly and prioritize the flow better

Creating a better way to communicate copy edits with engineers